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نمايش نتايج 21 به 29 از 29

نام تاپيک: **Astrology**

  1. #21
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Leo2

    Possible Health Concerns...
    Physiologically, Leo governs the upper back, forearms, wrist, spine and heart. Its natives are subject to a number of ailments: pain in the back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood, sickness in ribs and sides, convulsions, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, in former days, when they were prevalent, plague, pestilence, jaundice, and some afflictions of the eyes.

    • Speculative ventures
    • Lavish Living
    • Pageantry and Grandeur
    • Children
    • Drama
    • Doing things safely
    • Ordinary,Day to day living
    • Small minded people
    • Penny pinching
    • Mean spiritedness

    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Leo you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
    Problem: Getting all upset and angry with others when things do not go the way you fully expected them too. This kind of reaction to a problem is what causes a lot of marital discord and unhappiness.
    Solution: You should never base all of your expectations on what you should get, but rather base them on what you can give to, or do, for those who are in your sphere of influence. You will find you have a more peaceful and happy home if you do this.
    Problem: You are sometimes your own worst enemy, especially so when you are striving for attention in such obvious ways that you turn off the very people you sought to impress.
    Solution: The first place to start is to stop trying to gain attention; give people the chance to notice the real you. Decide what it is that impresses you and you will then know what to do to impress others.
    Problem: Egotism, to the extent that you may be the Leo who thinks no one is quite as good at things as you are and the people around you are made to feel small through your habit of comparison.
    Solution: What the higher minded Leo has is a sense of self worth and of greatness, this is corrupted when you let the ego get out of hand so you should learn to walk tall by looking up to those that are 'taller' than you are.
    Problem: Losses in income from unwisely speculating which leads to financial ruin, as well as possible personal losses of family and friends due to a lack of concern for their financial welfare.
    Solution: You should always investigate all investments well before they are made, then talk it over with your spouse as to how hard the budget can be hit, before you spend the first dime.

    Your ruling planet is the SUN

    The Sun is our nearest star and the source of energy for life on Earth. It is about 150 million km away (93 million miles), a distance which sunlight covers in 8 minutes, whereas the distance to the moon is only 1.3 light-seconds. The Sun is about 300,000 times heavier than Earth and rotates around its axis (as viewed from the orbiting Earth) in about 27 days.

    Some more interesting facts about your sign:

    The male lions are not particularly good hunters, the main work is done by the females when the male drives the prey in the direction where they are hiding, although the males insist on eating their share before the females. Hunting occurs at night or cooler times of day, the hotter hours are spent resting in the shade. Only males grow a mane, which can take up to 5 years to fully develop.

    The color of choice for Leo is GOLD

    Your starstone is the rich red RUBY
    Known as a stone of nobility. It can improve success in controversies and disputes, encouraging gentleness and discouraging violence. Excellent shielding stone to protect you from bodily harm. Encourages one to follow bliss.

  2. #22
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Taurus1

    The Bull
    April 21 to May 21
    Taurus Traits

    Patient and reliable
    Warmhearted and loving
    Persistent and determined
    Placid and security loving
    On the dark side....

    Jealous and possessive
    Resentful and inflexible
    Self-indulgent and greedy

    The Taurean's characteristics are solidity, practicality, extreme determination and strength of will - no one will ever drive them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust. They are stable, balanced, conservative good, law-abiding citizens and lovers of peace, possessing all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie. As they have a sense of material values and physical possessions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt, they will do everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be somewhat hostile to change.
    Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of experience. Their character is generally dependable, steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from their virtues, going to extremes on occasion,such as sometimes being too slavish to the conventions they admire.

    On rare occasions a Taurean may be obstinately and exasperatingly self-righteous, unoriginal, rigid, ultraconservative, argumentative, querulous bores, stuck in a self-centered rut. They may develop a brooding resentment through nursing a series of injuries received and, whether their characters are positive or negative, they need someone to stroke their egos with a frequent, "Well Done!" Most Taureans are not this extreme though.
    They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun.
    Although their physical appearance may belie it, they have a strong aesthetic taste, enjoying art, for which they may have a talent, beauty (recoiling from anything sordid or ugly) and music. They may have a strong, sometimes unconventional, religious faith. Allied to their taste for all things beautiful is a love for the good things of life pleasure, comfort, luxury and good food and wine and they may have to resist the temptation to over indulgence, leading to drunkenness, gross sensuality, and covetousness.
    In their work, Taureans are industrious and good craftspeople, and are not afraid of getting their hands dirty. They are reliable, practical, methodical and ambitious, within a framework of obedience to superiors. They are at their best in routine positions of trust and responsibility, where there is little need of urgency and even less risk of change, and a pension at the end. Yet they are creative and good founders of enterprises where the rewards of their productiveness come from their own work and not that of others.
    They can flourish in many different trades and professions: banking, architecture, building, almost any form of bureaucracy, auctioneering, farming, medicine, chemistry, industry Taureans make good managers and foremen surveying, insurance, education and, perhaps surprisingly, music and sculpture. They make an ideal trustee or guardian, and can attain eminence as a chef. Some Taureans are gifted enough in singing to become opera stars or to excel in more popular types of music.
    They are more than averagely amorous and sensually self-conscious, but sexually straightforward and not given to experiment. They make constant, faithful, home loving spouses and thoughtful, kindly parents, demanding too much of neither their spouses nor children. They can be over possessive and may sometimes play the game of engineering family roles for the pleasure of making up the quarrel. If anyone offends their amour proper they can be a determined enemy, though magnanimous in forgiveness if their opponent makes an effort to meet them halfway.
    No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus. The main objective in leading a Taurean life is primarily (though not entirely) to maintain stability and physical concerns. Your inner spiritual sense longs for earthly harmony and wholesomeness. When you fully understand this, and work toward this end, you will no longer need to blindly reassure yourself with external possessions and comforts. A realization that finding this inner peace will cause all of the above mentioned positive things will overtake you and your life will be very full.
    Ultimately the Taurean needs to discover their truest, deepest and highest values. When they know what is truly valuable, they are no longer chained to people and to things that have to do with lesser values. The greatest indication of value to a Taurean is beauty, which cannot be owned, only appreciated.

  3. #23
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Sagittarius

    The Archer
    November 23 to December 21
    Sagittarius Traits

    Optimistic and freedom-loving
    Jovial and good-humored
    Honest and straightforward
    Intellectual and philosophical

    On the dark side....

    Blindly optimistic and careless
    Irresponsible and superficial
    Tactless and restless
    Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence.
    Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. They sometimes pay lip service to religions and political parties in which they have ceased to believe because the outward forms satisfy them, yet they may not hesitate to switch allegiance in politics or change their system of belief if they see personal advantage to themselves in doing so.
    They have both profound and widely ranging minds, equipped with foresight and good judgement, and they can be witty conversationalists. They love to initiate new projects (they make excellent researchers) and have an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them. they think rapidly, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing and are at their best when working with colleagues of other types of character that compliment their own. They are strong-willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives them the ability to bring any project they undertake to a successful conclusion. Their generosity can be balanced by their extreme care at handling their resources.
    Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Yet if thwarted, they may easily allow their failure to embitter their whole lives or they may revenge themselves upon the opposite --- by becoming cynically promiscuous. They are more apt then the average to make an uncongenial alliance.

    If their marriages are successful, they will be faithful spouses and indulgent parents; but their innate restlessness will inspire them to use even the most satisfying ménage as a base from which to set out on their travels. They need to fell free and are often faced with the choice of allowing their careers to take over their lives at the expense of the love of their spouse and family. Sagittarian women are the counterparts of their men; even if they have no career to rival their love, they find it difficult to express affection and may run the risk of being thought frigid.
    In other personal relationships they are reliable, seldom betraying any trust given to them. They can, however, be impulsively angry and both male and female Sagittarians know how to be outspoken and exactly what expressions will hurt their adversaries most. On the other hand they are magnanimous in forgiving offenses and are responsible when looking after the elderly in the family.
    Their gifts fit Sagittarians for a number of widely differing professions. They are natural teachers and philosophers with a talent for expounding the moral principles and laws which seem to explain the universe. This gift enables them to be successful churchmen on the one hand and scientists on the other. The law and politics also suit them, as does public service, social administration, public relations and advertising. Travel and exploration naturally appeal to such restless souls and, if their opportunities are limited, they may find something of travel and change of scene in the armed forces or through working as a travelling salesman. Others may make fine musicians and, in the days before automobiles, they were said to be successful at horse trading and all activities, including sporting ones, concerning horses. This has been translated in modern terms into an interest in cars and aircraft - and again with emphasis on the sporting side racing, rallying etc. They are said to make good sports coaches, but their tastes in this direction may lead them into imprudent gambling, though the gambling instinct may be sublimated by carrying it out professionally as a bookmaker.
    The vices to which Sagittarians are prone are anger they tend to flare up over trifles; impatience - they want to rush every new project through immediately and demand too much of colleagues who cannot work at the pace they require; and scorn of the inadequacies of others while expecting fulsome recognition of their own efforts. They may in one sense deserve recognition, because in completing a major project they will sacrifice their health and family relationships; in their family's eyes they may merit condemnation.
    They can be exacting, domineering and inconsiderate in the work place; and boastful, vulgar and extravagant in their private lives. Their restlessness, if excessive, can jeopardize more than their own stability. some Sagittarians risk becoming playboys, wasting their lives away in frivolous pursuits. Others can develop a moralizing, religious fanaticism or else turn into hypocrites, their inner prudishness disguised by an outward appearance of joviality. Another side of the religiosity which is a danger in Sagittarians is superstition.

  4. #24
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
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    پيش فرض Sagittarius2

    Possible Health Concerns...
    Sagittarius governs the hips, thighs and sacral area; subjects suffer from ailments of the hips and thighs and are liable to sciatica and rheumatism. An alleged deficiency of silicon in their physiques can give them poor skin, nails and hair.
    As they are often sportsmen indulging in dangerous pursuits, they are prone to accidents which arise from these. The ancient astrologers mention falls from horses and hurts from them and other four-footed beasts. The taking of risks in other sports is a danger to the modern Sagittarian, and he is also liable to accidents with fire and heat.

    • Traveling
    • getting to the heart of the matter
    • Freedom
    • Laws and meanings
    • the general 'feel' of things
    • Off the wall theories
    • being tied down domestically
    • Being constrained
    • cooling your heels
    • bothered with details


    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Sagittarius you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
    PROBLEM: Others have no time for you as you are apt to have too many irons in the fire at any given time.
    SOLUTION: Be sure that you have a 'product' to match all the 'advertising' you do. Is it fact or is it fiction?
    PROBLEM: Others cease to confide in you or to take you seriously.
    SOLUTION: Try not to exaggerate or be contentious with others as this could be embarrassing if they feel you are not trustworthy.
    PROBLEM: Feeling lost and disillusioned.
    SOLUTION: Focus upon one thing that will satisfy you and work toward that point.
    PROBLEM: You seem anchored in one spot, unable to move forward.
    SOLUTION: You should try to think more positive thoughts and set some short term goals that you can reach, then set more. In this way you will move ahead in your endeavors.

    Your ruling planet is JUPITER

    Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 5.202
    Sidereal period of orbit (years) 11.86
    Equatorial radius (km) 71,492
    Polar radius (km) 66,854
    Body rotation period (hours) 9.92
    Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 3.08
    Number of observed satellites 16

    Some more interesting facts about your sign:

    The animal associated with you sign is the centaur.
    The Greek love for the horse led to the ennoblement of the centaur in myth and legend. The Centaur Chiron was known for his wisdom and healing abilities. Nessus was killed by Hercules for trying to rape a woman under his charge, and other centaurs were renowned for their weakness for drink. The centaur symbolizes mankinds dual nature as an intellectual creature (the human half) which was also a physical animal (the horse half).

  5. #25
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
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    پيش فرض Taurus2

    Possible Health Concerns...

    Taurus governs the throat and neck and its subjects need to beware throat infections, goiter and respiratory ailments such as asthma. They are said to be at risk of diseases of the genitals, womb, liver and kidneys, and of abscesses and rheumatism. Because their body type has an inclination to physical laziness, Taureans can be overweight.


    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Taurean you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

    PROBLEM: Having feelings of being used and manipulated, led down the garden path and made a sucker of.
    SOLUTION: Realize that your magnetism attracts negative as well as positive influences. You need to choose your friends, not let them choose you.

    PROBLEM: Physical things start loosing their appeal, and you feel more and more out of touch with the world around you. You stop caring so much about how much money you have among other physical concerns.
    SOLUTION: You are starting to discover an inner harmony that is trying to replace the physical with spiritual. You must let this grow without killing the part of you that provides sustenance for your family.

    PROBLEM: Unexplained fear of loss, jealousy and a paranoia that others are out to get you.
    SOLUTION: You have within you the ability to not only attract faithfulness, but also the intellect to see what is truly going on around you. You are loosing faith in both of these personal traits. Rebuild that faith.

    PROBLEM: Feeling depressed with life. Disgusted and dissatisfied. People around you are little comfort. You feel that life lacks meaning. Easily addicted to physical pleasures.
    SOLUTION: Revisit and realize the value of spiritual things in life. Take control of your life by realizing it is not the things in life that are important, but the spirit behind it all.

    Your ruling planet is VENUS

    Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.723
    Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.62
    Equatorial radius (km) 6052
    Polar radius (km) same
    Body rotation period (hours) 58.32
    Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 177.3
    Number of observed satellites 0

    Some more interesting facts about your sign:

    The animal associated with you sign is this tough looking bull. The Egyptian Hourus was the bull of heaven, and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at the New Year to placate Ramman, the god of thunder and lightning.

    The color of choice for Taurus is PINK

    Your Starstone is the EMERALD

    Emeralds from Egypt are known to date from about 330 B.C., and indirect evidence suggests that Egyptians were mining emerald as early as 1300 B.C. The name emerald comes from the greek smaragdos meaning "green stone" and probably referred, in fact,not just to emeralds but to all or many green gems. Emerald boasts a great deal of folklore. It was used as a burnt offering, a symbol of St. John, and supposedly was a poison antidote, a cure for fevers and epilepsy, eye relief (due to the exceptional color), a cure for dysentery and leprosy, a cure for ophthalmia and bleeding, a cure for stomach problems (when laid on the stomach), and a good laxative.

  6. #26
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Scorpio1

    The Scorpion
    October 24 to November 22

    Scorpio Traits

    Determined and forceful
    Emotional and intuitive
    Powerful and passionate
    Exciting and magnetic

    On the dark side....

    Jealous and resentful
    Compulsive and obsessive
    Secretive and obstinate

    Scorpio! About Your Sign...
    Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea, it may burst into eruption at any moment. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Scorpio. In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.
    In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that is part of their character. They need great self-discipline, because they are able to recognize the qualities in themselves that make them different from other humans, and to know their utterly conventional natures can be used for great good, or great evil. Their tenacity and willpower are immense, their depth of character and passionate conviction overwhelming, yet they are deeply sensitive and easily moved by their emotions. Their sensitivity, together with a propensity for extreme likes and dislikes make them easily hurt, quick to detect insult or injury to themselves (often when none is intended) and easily aroused to ferocious anger. This may express itself in such destructive speech or action that they make lifelong enemies by their outspokenness, for they find it difficult not to be overly critical of anything or anyone to whom they take a dislike.
    They can harness their abundant energy constructively, tempering their self-confidence with shrewdness and their ambition with magnanimity toward others provided they like them. They relate to fellow workers only as leaders and can be blunt to those they dislike to the point of cruelty. In fact they are not above expressing vindictiveness in deliberate cruelty. They are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others, perhaps because they are not aware of the shortcomings within themselves, and extravagantly express their self-disgust in unreasonable resentment against their fellows. They do, however, make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing to impugn the honor of which Scorpios are very jealous. Part of the negative side of the Scorpio nature is a tendency to discard friends once they cease to be useful, but the decent native is aware of, and fights this tendency.
    They are fortunate in that their strong reasoning powers are tempered with imagination and intuition, and these gifts, together with critical perception and analytical capacity, can enable the Scorpions to penetrate to profundities beyond the average. They have a better chance of becoming geniuses than the natives of any other sign.But charismatic "twice-born" characters such as they can sink into the extremes of depravity if they take the wrong path, and the intensity of their nature exaggerates their harmful tendencies into vices far greater than the normal.

    Rebelliousness against all conventions, political extremism to the point where hatred of the Establishment makes them utterly unscrupulous terrorists. Brooding resentment, aggressive and sadistic brutality, total arrogance, morbid jealousy, extreme volatility of temperament, these are some of their vices. At the other extreme is the procrastinator, the man or woman who is capable of so much that they do nothing and become indolent and self-indulgent, requiring extravagant praise and flattery from those whom they make their cronies.
    Being so gifted, they can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist, and the heroism of the soldier. Any profession in which analysis, investigation, research, dealing with practicalities, and the solving of mysteries are relevant, can appeal to them. So police and detective work, espionage and counterespionage, the law, physics or psychology may attract them, and they can become masters of the written and spoken word. They may be most persuasive orators and find fulfillment as diplomats or preachers and, if they make the Church their profession, their inner intensity can express itself in the spiritual fervor of the mystic or the thaumaturgy.
    Scorpio is the symbol of --- and Scorpios are passionate lovers, the most sensually energetic of all the signs. For them, union with the beloved is a sacrament, an "outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.". Their overriding urge in loving is to use their power to penetrate beyond themselves and to lose themselves sexually in their partners in an almost mystical ecstasy, thus discovering the meaning of that union which is greater than individuality, and is a marriage of the spirit as well as of flesh. They are thus capable of the greatest heights of passionate transport, but debauchery and perversion are always dangers, and Scorpios can become sadistic monsters of sensuality and eroticism. Their feelings are so intense that even when their love is of the highest, and most idealistic kind, they are nevertheless frequently protagonists in tragic, even violent romances, "star-crossed lovers".
    Possible Health Concerns...
    Scorpio governs the pelvis and reproductive and urinary systems and its subjects are said to be prone to ailments of the liver and kidneys, stones and gravel in the bladder or genitals, and other genital ills such as priapism. Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, fistulas, piles, ruptures and ulcers may also affect the Scorpions.

    • Truth
    • Hidden Causes
    • Being involved
    • Work That is Meaningful
    • Being Persuasive
    • Being Given Only Surface data
    • Taken Advantage of
    • Demeaning Jobs
    • Shallow Relationships
    • Flattery and Flattering


    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Scorpio you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
    Problem: Suffering from an inferior complex where you feel self disgust and are disdainful of help from others.
    Solution: You should try to admit that others, as well as yourself, have weakness and then practice forgiving those weaknesses until you notice them becoming less and less. Unbend and accept that you can be helped in your problems.
    Problem: After you get everyone to agree with you and you get your own way, you are still not satisfied with the results.
    Solution: Looking deeply within will show you that: having reached the point where you have nothing more to want for in a given situation you then realize just what you were really after. Look within first.
    Problem: Disruptive marital relations or a breakup with a loved one.
    Solution: You should try not to be scornful of what you perceive as a shortcoming in your partners personality and soften up your rigid, unbending attitude.
    Problem: The peers in your group begin to avoid you, or drift away when you walk up.
    Solution: If you feel persecuted and put upon you will express it in conversation, this causes people to be 'turned off' of you so try to change your attitude or, guard what you say.

    Your ruling planet is PLUTO

    Mean Distance from the Sun (AU) 39.4
    Sidereal period of orbit (years) 247.68
    Equatorial Radius(km) 1,140
    Body rotation period (days) 6.4
    Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 96
    Number of observed satellites 1

    Mean Radius Distance from Planet
    (km) (km)
    Charon 600 20,000

    Some more interesting facts about your sign:

    Bark Scorpion
    "Bark Scorpion" - Centruroides Sculptaurus [Straw- pale yellow in color]is very venomous, it is nocturnal and will be found in areas around moisture or outside lights where food sources are known to gather such as beetles, cockroaches, crickets, moths, or other insects.

    The color of choice for Scorpio is DARK RED TO MAROON

    Your Starstone is OPAL
    Mysterious Opals contain the wonders of the skies - sparkling rainbows, fireworks, and lightning, shifting and moving in their depths. Opal has been treasured throughout history all around the world. Archaeologist Louis Leakey found six-thousand year old Opal artifacts in a cave in Kenya! It is an old myth that anyone who does not have the opal as a starstone will be the receivers of bad luck should they choose to wear it

  7. #27
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Capricorn

    The Goat
    December 22 to January 20
    Capricorn Traits

    Practical and prudent
    Ambitious and disciplined
    Patient and careful
    Humorous and reserved

    On the dark side....

    Pessimistic and fatalistic
    Miserly and grudging
    Capricorn is one of the most stable and (mostly) serious of the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally confident, strong willed and calm. These hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme persons, are capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal they have set for themselves. They are reliable workers in almost any profession they undertake. They are the major finishers of most projects started by the 'pioneering' signs; with firm stick-to-it-ness they quickly become the backbone of any company they work for.
    Capricornians make of themselves, resourceful, determined managers; setting high standards for themselves and others. They strive always for honesty in their criticism of self, they respect discipline from above and demand it from those beneath them. In their methodical, tough, stubborn, unyielding way, they persist against personal hardship, putting their families and/or their work before their own needs and welfare to reach their objectives long after others have given up and fallen by the wayside. In fact when practical ability allied with the drive of ambition are required in employees to make a project succeed, Capricornians are the people to hire. They plan carefully to fulfill their ambitions (which often include becoming wealthy), they are economical without meanness, and able to achieve great results with minimum effort and expense. Because of their organizing ability they are able to work on several projects simultaneously.
    They have a great respect for authority but may not, if they reach high rank, be willing to listen to other opinions on things they are directly responsible for. As the ranking authority figure in a given situation they expect their underlings to be as self disciplined as they themselves are, and to perform every task undertaken to the highest standard.

    They are, nevertheless, fair as well as demanding. Among their equals they are not always the most pleasant of work fellows for they are reserved and too conservative, valuing tradition more than innovation, however valuable the latter, and they are often humorless. There is also a tendency to pessimism, melancholy and even unhappiness which many Capricornians are unable to keep to themselves, especially if they fail personally. In the extreme this trait can make them a very depressed individual; ecstatic happiness alternating with the most wretched kind of misery which is so subconsciously buried that he or she should seek help if such emotions become frequent. For the above reason, capable Capricorn should spend many hours in meditation, gathering the strength to control such inner emotions.
    The swings in mood are not the only reason some Capricornians deserve the adjective based on their name - capricious. They can be surprisingly and suddenly witty and subtle for the quiet, reserved individuals they seem to be, and they also have a tendency to ruin things by unexpected and utterly irresponsible bouts of flippancy. In certain individuals in whom the characteristic is strong, the temptation to do this has to be resisted with iron self-control. Another unexpected quality in some Capricornians is an interest in the occult which persists in spite of their naturally skeptical turn of mind.
    Their intellects are sometimes very subtle. They think profoundly and deeply, throughly exploring all possibilities before deciding on a 'safe' alternative. They have good memories and an insatiable yet methodical desire for knowledge. They are rational, logical and clearheaded, have good concentration, delight in debate in which they can show off their cleverness by luring their adversaries into traps and confounding them with logic.
    In their personal relationships they are often ill-at-ease, if not downright unhappy. They are somewhat self-centered but not excessively so, wary and cautious around people they do not know very well, preferring not to meddle with others and in turn not to allow interference with themselves, thus they tend to attract people who do not understand them. Casual acquaintances they will treat with diplomacy, tact and, above all, reticence. They make few good friends but are intensely loyal to those they do make, and they can become bitter, and powerful enemies. They sometimes dislike the opposite --- and test the waters of affection gingerly before judging the temperature right for marriage. Once married, however, they are faithful, though inclined to jealousy. Most Capricornians marry for life.
    Their occupations can include most professions that have to do with math or money and they are strongly attracted to music. They can be economists, financiers, bankers, speculators, contractors, managers and real estate brokers. They excel as bureaucrats, especially where projects demanding long-term planning and working are concerned, and their skill in debate and love of dialectic make them good politicians. They are excellent teachers, especially as principals of educational establishments where they have the authority to manage and organize without too much intimacy with the staff members. If working with their hands, they can become practical scientists, engineers, farmers and builders. The wit and flippancy which is characteristic of certain Capricornians may make some turn to entertainment as a career.
    Possible Health Concerns...
    Capricorn governs the knees, bones and skin, so its subjects may be liable to fractures and strains of the knees and other defects of the legs. Skin diseases from rashes and boils to leprosy (in countries where that disease is prevalent) are dangers, and digestive upsets may be caused by the tendency of Capricorns to worry or suppress emotions. Anemia, Bright's disease, catarrh, deafness, rheumatism and rickets are also said to threaten the natives of this sign.

    • Reliability
    • Professionalism
    • Knowing what you discuss
    • Firm Foundations
    • Purpose
    • Wild Schemes
    • Fantasies
    • Go-nowhere jobs
    • Ignominy
    • Ridicule

  8. #28
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Capricorn2


    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Capricornian, you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
    PROBLEM: Having people take advantage of you and your good nature.
    SOLUTION: Try being more careful with your favors, and putting number one first for a change.
    PROBLEM: Having people getting "turned off" of you.
    SOLUTION: Examine the kind of causes that you have been defending or pushing lately; make wiser choices.
    PROBLEM: Coworkers not liking to work along side of you, sharing projects.
    SOLUTION: While you make a good authority figure try not to act like it when working in tandem with another as an equal.
    PROBLEM: Getting too tired out and not finishing projects that you have in the works.
    SOLUTION: Try not to make too many plans and have them scheduled too close together. Try pacing yourself and you will clear this problem up.

    Your ruling planet is SATURN

    Mean Distance from the Sun(AU) 9.555
    Sidereal period of orbit(years) 29.46
    Equatorial radius(km) 60268
    Polar radius(km) 54360
    Body rotation period(hours) 10.66
    Tilt of equator to orbit(degrees) 26.73
    Number of observed satellites 18

    Some more interesting facts about your sign:

    The animal associated with your sign is this beautiful Goat, it is a surefooted animal that weighs in at an average of 150-300 pounds and reaching heights of 35-45 inches. Due to its hooves, with cushioned skid-proof pads for grip, the goat is very agile. This animal has a narrow head with slender, black horns that rise in a backward curve to a length of 10-12 inches. The coat is white and on the chin is a double beard of long hair.

    The color of choice for Capricorn isBROWN
    and most dark colors

    The beautiful Onyx is your starstone. Onyx is a type of agate (cryptocrystaline Quartz) that is recognized by the alternating, parallel bands of black and white. It is used for the carving of cameos, (a figure carved in the white layer which stands in relief against the black layer). If the white layer alternates with a different color then the agate is given different names: if red it's carnelian-onyx, if brown it is sardonyx, and if the second layer is of the pale shades that characterizes common chalcedony it is called chalcedony-onyx. A solid piece of pure black Onyx is dyed. Agates are not always dyed black unless it is called Onyx, (Agate is frequently dyed red, green, blue, etc.)

  9. #29
    حـــــرفـه ای Asalbanoo's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jun 2006
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    پيش فرض Pisces1

    Febuary 20 to March 20
    Pisces Traits

    Imaginative and sensitive
    Compassionate and kind
    Selfless and unworldly
    Intuitive and sympathetic

    On the dark side....
    Escapist and idealistic
    Secretive and vague
    Weak-willed and easily led

    When You''re Tired of Just Dating

    Pisces! About Your Sign...
    Pisceans possess a gentle, patient, malleable nature. They have many generous qualities and are friendly, good natured, kind and compassionate, sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter. They are deservedly popular with all kinds of people, partly because their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge to stronger and more exuberant characters. They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own.
    Their natures tend to be too otherworldly for the practical purposes of living in this world as it is. They sometimes exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually (depending on how they are aspected). They long to be recognized as greatly creative. They also dislike disciple and confinement. The nine-to-five life is not for them. Any rebellion they make against convention is personal, however, as they often times do not have the energy or motivation to battle against the Establishment.
    Pisceans tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction and sometimes, fame and financial reward for they are extremely gifted artistically. They are also versatile and intuitive, have quick understanding, observe and listen well, and are receptive to new ideas and atmospheres. All these factors can combine to produce remarkable creativity in literature, music and art. They may count among their gifts mediumistic qualities which can give them a feeling that their best work comes from outside themselves, "Whispered beyond the misted curtains, screening this world from that." Even when they cannot express themselves creatively they have a greater than average instinct for, and love of, beauty in art and nature, a catlike appreciation of luxury and pleasure, and a yearning for new sensations and travel to remote, exotic places.
    They are never egotistical in their personal relationships and give more than they ask from their friends. They are sexually delicate, in the extreme almost asexual, and most Pisceans would want a relationship in which the partner's mind and spirit rather than the body resonated with their own. Unfortunately they can be easily misled by a lover who courts them delicately and in marriage makes them unhappy by a coarser sexuality than they expected. They are nevertheless intensely loyal and home-loving and will remain faithful.
    In their employment they are better working either by themselves or in subordinate positions. Their talents are individual in a commercial business or similar undertaking. They would be afraid to manage more than a small department, worrying always that they would fail in a crisis. They can make fair secretaries and bookkeepers.

    Their sympathy equips them for work in charities catering for the needy, as nurses looking after the sick and as veterinary surgeons caring for animals. As librarians or astronomers they can satisfy their mental wanderlust, and their fondness for "faraway places with strange-sounding names" may turn them into sailors or travellers. Many architects and lawyers are Pisceans, and when the creative abilities are combined with gifts of imitation and the ability to enter into the feelings of others, Pisceans find their fulfillment on the stage. Their psychic and spiritual qualities can lead them into careers in the church or as mediums and mystics. They may find an outlet for their creativity as caterers, and are said to make good detectives because they can imagine themselves in the place of criminals and understand how their minds would work. In technical occupations they are well employed in dealing with anaesthetics, fluids, gases and plastics. Because of their lively versatility and inability to concentrate overmuch on any one project, Pisceans often simultaneously follow more than one occupation.
    Possible Health Concerns...
    Pisces governs the feet, liver and lymphatics, and its subjects can be threatened by anaemia, boils, ulcers and other skin diseases, especially inflammation of the eyelids, gout, inflammation, heavy periods and foot disorders and lameness.

    • Solitude to dream in
    • Mystery in all its guises
    • Anything discarded to stay discarded
    • The ridiculous
    • like to get 'lost'
    • the obvious
    • being criticized
    • feeling all at sea about something
    • know-it-alls
    • pedantry


    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a pisces you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
    Problem: You find yourself being walked on or over in all manner of ways.

    Solution: Try to reorient your thinking and assert yourself in a quiet, reserved manner that is more impressive than blustering.
    Problem: Never seeming to have enough money to round out the week with much less the month even though your salary is on a par with everyone else'.

    Solution: You are prone to act as if you have more than you actually do and tend to spend that which you do not have or need for other things. Forego some of the parties and make a strict budget to put yourself on.
    Problem: A strong sense of despair not shared by family and friends, thus leaving you with that all alone feeling.

    Solution: You must come out of yourself and open up to those around you, you have the power to inspire others making you an important part of the human race; take your rightful place.
    Problem: Causing others to be quarrelsome or to walk out on you all together.

    Solution: The upstream fish may be pushing too hard for someone to meet your ideals and could wind up pushing people right out of your life. Try lightning up.

    Your ruling planet is NEPTUNE

    Mean Distance from the Sun(AU) 30.109
    Sidereal period of orbit(years) 164.79
    Equatorial Radius(km) 24764
    Polar Radius(km) 24340
    Body rotation period(hours) 16.11
    Tilt of equator to orbit(degrees) 28.8
    Number of observed satellites 8

    Some more interesting facts about your sign:

    The animal associated with your sign is the fish,(actually two fish swimming in different directions). Fish have long been a food staple and it is also associated with Christianity as a symbol, the two fishes swimming in opposite directions points up the inner tensions of the sign of pisces.

    The color of choice for Pisces is Soft Seagreen

    Your starstone is the precious Moonstone. They are not brilliant stones, in fact, all of the specimens, from the peach and grays to the gem-quality blue and rainbow-colored pieces, are soft and translucent. The physical appearance of a stone often suggests its spiritual qualities, and moonstone's most important attribute is the ability to assist us in calming and soothing the emotions. When one has achieved a state of emotional calmness, this stone may be used to open a path to an intuitive understanding of spirituality.

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