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نام تاپيک: Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions & Slang terms

  1. #101
    آخر فروم باز diana_1989's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jan 2007
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    With it: up to date

    Spit it out: say it
    (come on ,don’t be shy…spit it out)

    That’s the ticket: that’s exactly
    (What is needed. good! that’s the ticket. Now you’re cooking with gas.)

    Talk like a nut: to say stupid things

    Chicken feed: make very little money

    This place is for the bird: it is undesirable

    Spot: see,motice,recognize

    Feel blah: feel terrible

    Ostrich: very fast

    Screwy: crazy

    Tense :nervous

  2. #102
    پروفشنال Parnyan's Avatar
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    Right as rain=completely correct(folksy. often with a s)l
    Yes, indeed! U R right as rain.l

    Right guy=good boy:a straight guy.l
    I’m glad u’re right guy.i can trust u.l

    Play with the fire=to do something dangerouse or risky
    When u talk to me like that,u’re playing with the fire.l

    Out of luck=unfortunate:in a hopeless position
    If u think u are going to get any sympathy from me.u’re just out of luck.l

    Make a lap=to sit down
    Pull up a chair and make a lap.l

    Lots of luck=1-‘’good luck’’ l
    I’m glad you’re giving it a try !lots of luck!l
    2-‘’u don’t have a chance’’l
    Think u stand a chance??lots of luck.l

    Listen up=listen carefully(usually a command)l
    Now, listen up !this is important

    Like a bat out of hell=very fast or sudden(caution with hell)l
    The cat took off like a bat out of hell.l
    Mouthful=1-a true statement
    U said a mouthful,and I agree
    2-a triade
    Paul really geve me a mouthful.i didn’t now I hurt his feelings.l
    Last edited by Parnyan; 22-03-2007 at 22:13.

  3. #103
    آخر فروم باز diana_1989's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
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    Fear is the brother of death
    هرکس ترسید مرد...هرکه نترسید برد

    Who is fault,suspects every body
    آدم گناهکار به همه مظنون است

    The eye is bigger than belly
    چشم پر به از دست پر است

    If u wish the dog to follow you need him
    نان بده فرمان بده

    To fly with other wings
    از ریسمان دیگران پنبه ساختن

    What ever comes from a friend is good
    از دست دوست هر چه ستانی شکر بود

    Life is short and time is swift
    زندگی کوتاه است اما زمان به سرعت میگذرد

    While there is a life,there is a hope
    تا دم است...امید باقی است

    Life is battle, not a feast
    دنیا جای آزمایش است نه اسایش

  4. #104
    آخر فروم باز diana_1989's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
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    Love generates love
    از دل به دل راه است

    Love me little love me long
    مرا کم دوست بدار ولی همیشه(کریستوفو مارلو)

    Love is without reason
    عشق منطق و قانون نمیشناسد

    A mother love never ages
    تا حیات است عشق مادری هست

    Love is full of trouble
    عشق درد نیست ولی به درد آرد

    Old love doesn’t rust
    ای خوش آن روزگار دیرینه عشق دیرین و یار دیرینه

    All is fair in love and war
    عشق و رشک از هم جدا هستند

    Love speaks even the lips are closed
    گر چه تفسیر زبان روشنتر است لیک عشق بیزبان روشنتر است

  5. #105
    آخر فروم باز diana_1989's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
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    Every mad man thinks all other men mad
    کافر همه را به کیش خود پندارد

    All meat not pleasant all mouths
    علف باید به دهن بزی شیرین باشه

    Better a lean peace than a fat victory
    تا صلح توان کرد در جنگ مکوب

    No pay …. No piper
    گربه ای که موش میگیرد نه از بهر خداست

    The bird loves her nest
    هیچ جا بهتر از خانه ی آدم نیست

  6. #106
    داره خودمونی میشه dreammcenroe's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Dec 2006
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    12 Relationship & Love Idioms

    Relationships & Love
    ask for someone's hand in marriage

    - ask someone to marry you

    After dating his girlfriend for several years he finally asked for her hand in marriage.

    attracted to (someone)

    - feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone

    I was attracted to the woman at the party from the moment that I first met her.

    blind date

    - a date where the two people have never met before

    I went on a blind date in university but it did not work out very well.

    break someone's heart

    - cause someone emotional pain

    The man broke his girlfriend's heart when he told her that he was no longer in love with her.

    break up

    - end a relationship

    They broke up after dating for more than three years.

    crazy about (someone)

    - think that another person is wonderful

    My cousin has been crazy about the bank manager for many months now.

    date someone

    - go on or have a date with someone

    My sister has been dating her boyfriend for over two years now.

    dig someone

    - like someone a lot (dig someone is not a commonly used idiom now)

    She really digs the boy in her chemistry class.

    double date

    - a date where two couples get together to do something

    It was a good idea to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different.

    dump someone

    - end a relationship by telling someone that you don't want to see him or her

    The woman dumped her boyfriend after they began to have many fights.

    fall for (someone)

    - fall in love with someone

    She always seems to fall for the wrong person and is never happy.

    fall in love (with someone)

    - begin to feel love for someone

    He fell in love with a woman from his university class and they got married several months later.

    find Mr. Right

    - find the right or perfect person

    She is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she hasn't had any luck.

    first love

    - the first person that one falls in love with

    Her first love was with a boy in her high school art class.

    get along with someone

    - have a good friendly relationship with someone

    The woman gets along with her friends very well.

    get back together

    - return to a relationship or marriage after breaking up

    The man got back together with his girlfriend after separating for several months last winter.

    get engaged

    - decide to marry someone

    He got engaged to his wife several years before they actually got married.

    get hitched

    - get married

    My sister and her boyfriend surprised everyone by suddenly getting hitched last weekend.

    get serious

    - a relationship becomes serious and long-term

    The two students dated for several months before they began to get serious.

    give someone (or something) a second chance

    - try to save a relationship by forgiving and welcoming the other person back

    The girl's boyfriend left her for several months but when he wanted to come back she was happy to give him a second chance.

    go dutch

    - a date where each person pays half of the expenses

    In university many of the students had little money so they often went dutch when they were on a date.

    good together

    - two people who get along well with each other

    They are very good together and nobody has ever seen them argue.

    go out with someone

    - go on a date or be dating someone

    I have been going out with a woman from my hiking club for several months now.

    go steady

    - date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)

    The two students have been going steady for three years now.

    have a crush (on someone)

    - have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)

    The young girl had a crush on her teacher in junior high school but of course it was an impossible situation.

    have a thing for (someone)

    - be attracted and care a lot about someone

    She seems to have a thing for the new guy who just started to work at her company.

    head over heels in love with someone

    - be very much in love with someone

    My friend is head over heels in love with the accountant in his new company.

    hit it off (with someone)

    - get along well with someone (usually from the beginning)

    I hit it off with a woman in my photography class and we have been dating for several months now.

    hung up on someone

    - be obsessed with another person

    The young woman has been hung up on a member of her tennis club for many months now.

    interested in (someone)

    - have a romantic interest in someone and possibly want to date that person

    My sister has been interested in one of the students in her university biology class for many months now.

    kiss and makeup

    - become friends again after a fight or argument

    After they have a fight the couple is always very quick to kiss and make up.

    leave someone for someone else

    - end a relationship with your partner and start a relationship with someone else

    The man left his wife for his secretary but soon discovered that his life was worse than before.

    love at first sight

    - fall in love with someone (or something) the first time that one sees him or her

    When I saw the woman at the party it was love at first sight and I knew that I wanted to meet her.

    made for each other

    - two people who get along extremely well

    Although we had some differences we got along very well together and seemed to be made for each other.

    make eyes at someone

    - look at someone in a way that makes it clear that you like that person and find them attractive

    The man became angry when he thought that his girlfriend was making eyes at someone else at the party.

    make up

    - when two people forgive each other after an argument or begin to see each other again after ending a relationship

    The couple had a big fight at the restaurant but they quickly made up and things quickly got back to normal.

    a match made in heaven

    - a couple who get along perfectly

    When the two people finally got together it was a match made in heaven and everyone thought that they would stay together forever.

    meet/find the right girl/guy

    - find the right partner, the one to marry

    When she moved to Madrid she joked that she would never return home if she met the right guy.

    on the rocks

    - a relationship or a marriage that is experiencing problems

    They are experiencing many problems at the moment and their relationship appears to be on the rocks.

    the one (for someone)

    - the right partner, the one to marry

    As soon as I introduced my girlfriend to my mother she said that she was probably the one for me.

    one and only

    - the only person that one loves

    She was his one and only and he felt lost when the relationship ended.

    patch up a relationship

    - repair a broken relationship

    Although the couple had been fighting and wanted to separate they managed to patch up their relationship and are now very happy together.

    perfect couple

    - two people who appear to get along perfectly

    Our neighors have always seemed to be the perfect couple.

    pop the question

    - ask someone to marry you

    He put much thought into his possible wedding before he actually decided to pop the question.

    puppy love

    - infatuation (strong feelings of love) between school-age children or teenagers

    The two teenagers thought that their love was the greatest in the world but everyone knew that it was only puppy love.

    say "I do"

    - get married (during a wedding ceremony it is common to say "I do" when you agree to marry your partner)

    He loved the woman very much and was hoping that she would say "I do" as soon as they could make the wedding arrangements.

    seeing someone

    - be dating someone on a regular basis

    The woman was not seeing anyone when she met a man who she liked at the party.

    set a date

    - decide on a date for a wedding

    After thinking about marriage for a long time they have finally decided to set a date.

    settle down

    - establish a regular routine after getting married

    After dating dozens of women the young man finally decided to settle down.

    split up

    - two people in a relationship decide to end their relationship

    My sister's daughter and her boyfriend decided to split up after being together for seven years.

    steal someone's heart

    - cause someone to fall in love with you

    She quickly stole the heart of the man who was working beside her at her office.

    take one's vows

    - get married and take your wedding vows (promises)

    They were taking their vows down at the county courthouse when I came for a visit.

    those three little words

    - the words "I love you"

    After several months of dating the young man finally said those three little words to his girlfriend.

    tie the knot

    - get married

    After dating for several years the young couple suddenly decided to tie the knot.

    true love

    - a genuine feeling of romantic love

    It seemed like true love until we began to fight all of the time.

    unrequited love

    - love that is not returned, one-way love

    The woman was in love with the president of her company but from the beginning it was a case of unrequited love.

    walk down the aisle together

    - get married (in this case in a Christian church where many weddings take place and where the bride walks down the aisle to the altar)

    They get along very well and they have finally decided to walk down the aisle and begin their life together.

    walk out on

    - abandon your partner and end a relationship

    The man walked out on his wife and their small baby and nobody knew the reason why.

    whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear

    - romantic, intimate talk

    The movie was rather romantic and most of the scenes had the actor whispering sweet nothings in the ear of the actress.

  7. #107
    داره خودمونی میشه dreammcenroe's Avatar
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    پيش فرض some expresions

    Leave of absence مرخصي بدون حقوق
    Absence makes the heart grow fonder دوري و دوستي
    He was looking at me in an absent way جاي ديگري بود به من نگاه مي كرد در حاليكه حواسش
    In these animals the tail is absent دمدار نيستند اين حيوانات
    The absent party is always to blame است كه تنها به قاضي مي رود هميشه حق با كسي
    Long absent, soon forgotten از دل برود هر آنكه از ديده برفت
    We express our deepest condolence for your misfortune
    به مناسبت مصيبت وارده عميق ترين تسليت خود را ابراز مي داريم
    Mucus of the nose: آب بيني
    All the seas of the earth تمام آب هاي زمين
    At the end of در پايان
    At the foot of در شروع
    At the mercy of وابسته به...…

    His business is brisk: كسب او رونق دارد
    To give a curt negative reply: آب پاكي را روي دست كسي ريختن
    To risk one’s life: خود را به آب و آتش زدن
    To become free of danger: آب از آسياب افتادن
    An honorable death is better than an inglorious life: مردن با عزت به از زندگي در مذلت است
    An injury forgiven is better than an injury revenged در عفو لذتي است كه در انتقام نيست
    A sound mind is in a sound body: عقل سالم در بدن سالم

  8. #108
    در آغاز فعالیت zedboy's Avatar
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    سلام ميشه خواهش كنم 1100 كلمه كتابه
    1100words you need to know ترجمه كنيد.

  9. #109
    در آغاز فعالیت zedboy's Avatar
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    سلام ميشه خواهش كنم 1100 كلمه كتابه
    1100words you need to know ترجمه كنيد.

  10. #110
    پروفشنال Parnyan's Avatar
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    Black Hole
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    hi dear zedboy
    if u like u can put some of those words here and if i knew them i will translate them 4 u!l

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