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نام تاپيک: Short Stories

  1. #1
    حـــــرفـه ای Reza1969's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Feb 2005
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    1 Short Stories

    You can post nice short stories here.

  2. #2
    حـــــرفـه ای Reza1969's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Feb 2005
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    1 When a young teen moves back to his hometown, he gets caught up in a game of kill....

    When a young teen moves back to his hometown, he gets caught up in a game of kill or be killed with his friends.

    This is a story of corruption, greed, lust, and death. Be warned that
    there will be strong, offensive language and violence.

    * = not real

    Adolescent Innocence

    As I watched the city disappear into the horizon, the shocking truth of
    what I had really done haunted me. All had ended well in the game and I
    was not blamed for the deaths of my so called "friends". Still the pain
    and guilt hammered me. I knew that I would remember the past 3 months
    for the rest of my life.....

    3 months earlier....

    I had mixed feelings about my families recent move back to my home town.
    It had been 4 years since I lived in *Portersville and now we were
    moving back. I had spent the past 4 years in *Thomastown with my mother
    and brother. My dad was locked in the state penitentiary for some shit
    he didn't even do, but I'll get to that later. We were nearly there,
    school started for me tomorrow and I couldn't hardly wait to see some
    of my old friends. I was excited to see everyone except one person. Let
    me go back, about 10 years ago, I was 4 at the time, but my dad was
    working for this big shot construction supervisor by the name of Daniel
    Frosteg. Frosteg was a mean guy who loved using his power on the town's
    residents and his staff. He owned over half of the towns houses and
    apartments. My dad had worked for him for 20 long years and he was
    looking to get promoted when Frosteg was looking for a vice president
    for the business. Now everyone knew my dad was right for the job, even
    Frosteg. But he hired some new white recruit of 3 weeks for the job and
    laid off my father. My dad planned to steal some computer files that
    could send Frosteg to jail for his illegal acts on his houses, like
    embezzlement. But somehow Frosteg's son, Garret, warned his dad about
    my father's plan. My dad was framed for the illegal acts, along with
    espionage and he was sentenced 15 years in the slammer. Ain't that
    fucked up? Since then, Garret has been my nemesis, and I was not too
    glad to see him or Frosteg.

    We neared out two-story house at about 8:00 pm. The moving van had
    already unloaded and the decorators had already set up our stuff. Yeah,
    yeah, I know what you're saying. How can these people have all this?
    Well my mom is an independent woman, enough said. " Mom, this is great.
    I only wish dad could be with us." I said. She blew a puff of air.
    "Yeah you are right. But things will work out for him and us. Now let's
    go relax in the house!" she said enthusiastically.

    The next day I was staring at all the unfamiliar faces and a weird
    looking school. This was all new to me because when I left, it was my
    5th grade year. Now in the middle of my 8th, I was a bit confused until
    a hand clapped on my shoulder. " Hey, who in the hell..." I started to
    reply, but I was cut off by the young boy that had his hand on my
    shoulder. " Who are you and why do you have your hand on my shoulder?"
    I said questioningly. " You should know me man. I'll give you a hint. I
    used to call myself The Great Caucasion." Then I remembered with a
    flash. It was my old friend Heith Parker. " Hey man, how's it going?
    You've changed a lot." I said. " It's cool man. Talk about me changing,
    you have really changed. You should see yourself. You have gone from
    skinny stick to buff beef man. " Maybe I have changed. Heith and I were
    best friends back in the days. We had so much in common it was hard not
    to be friends. We have the same age (14), we like the same things
    (girls, hip-hop, cutting class), and we both get in trouble around the
    school house also. The only difference we have is our race in which I'm
    African-american and he's Caucasion. " Man, everyone knew you were
    coming back. You were like a star at elementary school, and everyone
    likes you. I can tell you right now, with your looks and everything,
    you are going to get a lot of pussy thrown at you." He said. I really
    didn't care much about --- though. I wanted to wait for the right time
    and the right person. That meant that I was not going to tell Heith
    that I was a virgin, even though I have been in some situations where I
    had to back out before intercourse. Heith was about to say something
    when the bell rung. " Hey, I'll see you in lunch, ok?" he shouted over
    the bell. As the remaining students ran to their classes, I started to
    jog to my own room.

    The school day was awesome. I got about 14 digits(phone numbers) from
    the finest of the fine girls at the school. I met my old companions and
    had fun. All was peachy keen until after the last period. Me and Heith
    were chilling against the lockers talking about stuff when all of a
    sudden two other girls were interested in us. " Wow, he has grown." One
    said. " Yeah, he is kinda cute also. Garret has some competition now."
    The other replied. Garret! I despised him and hatred came upon me at
    the sound of his name. " Who gives a fuck about that preppy ass
    anyways. " said Heith. " We were not talking to you, you wannabe
    Eminem. " said the tall one. They were twins, except one had longer
    hair and more beauty. They were both green eyed, thick thighed, and
    both had creamy skin. " You remember Tyler and Tess Andrews don't ya
    Lee? " Heith said. Oh yeah I remembered them from the get go. Who could
    forget a more beautiful pair of sisters who seduced you in front of
    their own boyfriends? Heith told me that he got the shit beat out of
    him for talking to one of the sisters and he also warned me to watch my
    back. " Lee you have turned so handsome. Why don't you give me a call?
    " Tyler said as she wrote the # on a slip of paper. I was astounded.
    This was jungle fever and I wasn't making any of the moves! As I
    reached out for the number, two vagabonds arrived. They were both guys
    our age and both were built like a couple of rednecks. " Whats up boy.
    " the larger one said simply. Who the hell did he think he was,
    racially discriminating me in my own face. " Don't be funny cracker. "
    I said acidly. I already knew who this fellow was. It was Garret and
    his sidekick Jay. " Lee, I'm sorry. " he said with fake sempathy. " We
    got off to a bad start. We have so many bad starts. Like your dad. I
    bet he got off to a bad start when he got fucked in the ass for the
    first time. " he said with a laugh. That was it. I blew up. Like a bolt
    of lightning, I ran at Garret and caught him by surprise. He uttered an
    " oof " as the air rushed out of his lungs. I had him on my shoulder
    when I slammed him on the locker doors. He was on the ground trying to
    catch his breath when I prepared to kick him until a pair of hands
    grabbed me and pushed me against the locker doors. It was Jay. " Chill
    out before you get laid out you fuc-", he couldn't finish his sentence
    because my knee had crushed him right into his genitals. He fell to the
    floor with a dull moan. Garret reared his head up," Guys, come get
    these assholes! " he said. Then I saw 3 jocks running toward us.
    Probably some of Garret's bitches. Before they could help Garret and
    Jay up, me and Heith had dipped out of there and left the scene with
    the dumb jocks and the awestruck girls.

    Ring ring! The phone was ringing off the hook. It was 6:30 that
    afternoon. I was feeling kinda cocky with my ordeal and so was Heith.
    He said I had just done what so many guys at the school were afraid of
    doing. What was to be afraid of from Garret? I was soon to find out.
    Lee: Yeah? Person on Phone: Hey Lee. This is Tyler. Lee: Hey girl.
    Wassup? Tyler: Oh nothing. I'm just kinda still shocked from what
    happened today. Lee: Yeah. I'm sorry you had to see that. He shouldn't
    have said anything about my dad. Tyler: Don't worry about Garret. He is
    such a prick. Lee: I thought you went out with him. Tyler: Of course
    not! Did he say that? That sexist pig. Tess goes out with him. Jay
    likes me but I have a new interest now. Lee: And who's that, Heith?
    Tyler: Of course not silly. It's you. Lee I really missed you when you
    moved. I want to make it up and start over. Saturday there is going to
    be a party at the park. I would love for you to come. Lee: Ok. Thanks,
    I'll guess I will see you then. Tyler: Sure. We exchanged goodbyes and
    hung up. Wow, the sexist girl in the school invited me to a party!
    Little did I knew that if I wouldn't have went to that party and got
    caught up in the game, I would not be a ruthless killer now...


    At 5:00pm I arrived at the park. The park is huge, spanning over 6 miles
    of trails, a beautiful lake, and lots of land. I found Tyler with Tess
    by some tables talking to some other kids. A loud stereo was playing
    mixed tunes with the volume turned all the way up. There was about 70
    people out there having fun and being wild. Tyler grabbed me by the arm
    and hustled me to some tables. " It is too loud here. Let's go
    somewhere we can talk in peace. " She said loudly as she started
    leading me into the beginning of a trail. Oh man! This was way awesome.
    She looked back at me seductively." Come on, I don't want to go alone.
    " She said silkily. Portersville was getting better and better everday.
    I thought to myself as I admired Tyler's curves on her body. " We're
    almost there. Just a bit further as she pulled my hands around her
    side. I made my mind up just then. Tyler was going to be my first. But
    my thoughts were interrupted when we neared a clearing. In the clearing
    there was a circle of benches with a fire burning in the middle.
    Sitting in those benches was Tess, Heith, a guy named Cory, and Jay. "
    Nice to see ya boy. " came a voice from behind me. When I looked, it
    turned out to be my nemesis, Garret. " What the hell are you guys doing
    here and why are we here Tyler? " I yelled. I was mad as hell. To be
    absolute and truthwise, I was fucking horny and now I was fucking angry
    to be in the same spot with Garret. " Just chill out and take a seat
    Lee. " she said softly. I took one. Maybe this was some initiation or
    some shit like that. " I brought you all here to play a little game. I
    sent for you because I thought you would all be competive opponents."
    Garret said. " What are we playing? I thought this was a party man.
    I've got no time for kids games. " I said with a sneer. " Oh believe
    me. This is no kids game. The game is this: We all divide up into two
    teams. The team that does the most damage to the other team is the
    winner. The remaining members of the winning team get the codes for my
    fathers online account, worth about $500,000 dollars in untraced
    money.'' I couldn't believe this. You'd have to be a fool to believe
    any of this gibberish. " How can someone do that Garret? Huh?! You are
    making fools of us man. We would get sent to jail for this kind of
    stuff." I said skeptically. " NO, it is true. " he said harshly. "
    Because this is the embezzlement money my father took and then framed
    your deadbeat dad for! " He shouted. No way in hell this was true. This
    was the clue that my father had been innocent! Suddenly I sprang to my
    feet, preparing to fight Garret. As I got ran at him, he quickly pulled
    out a black glock .9 ( a gun ) and leveled it at me. Reality hit me
    like a sack of bricks. " Stay back man. I swear I will kill you. " He
    said wildly with a funny look in his eyes. This was all too real. "
    Look, I don't want to play your game. You guys do whatever you want.
    Just leave me out of it. " I said quickly while I was backing away from
    the gun with fear. " Lee, you are the sole character in this game. You
    will play it. " Jay said. The gun was still leveled at me, but I had a
    plan. As I was nearing the fire, I stepped backwards and kicked the
    sparks into Garret's face. " Aaargh! " he screamed, grabbing his eyes.
    I was running by the time he looked towards me and out of sight within

    That night, I thought of going to the police with what I heard when a
    scream came from upstairs. CRASH! BOOM! I hurried upstairs to see what
    was the matter. When I reached all the ruckus, I say my mother
    defending herself with a broom and a dressed in all black figure
    attacking her. He had a knife in one hand as he tried to slash my mom.
    I saw my chance and rushed him into the mirror. His head broke the
    glass and it splintered everywhere. As he got up I took a long shard of
    the glass and slashed the hand with the knife in it. " Aaaaah! " he
    yelled. I kicked him in the chest and slammed him into the floor.
    WHUMP! Then with my mom's help, we tilted the dresser drawer and
    dropped it onto his back. BLAM! The attacker layed still. " Call the
    police. " I said to my mom. She rushed out of the room. I looked at the
    black hood he had over his face. I decided to take it off. I was
    astonished to find that the person in the hood was none other than

    The next day at school everyone was drooling their sympathies and
    acknowledgements at my ordeal with the attacker. I didn't tell anyone
    that it was Cory who did the attacking, but that didn't help one bit
    because it was on the front page of the Portersville newspaper:


    Wow. In the newspaper, it said that Cory had broken the glass and
    appeared to attack my mom when I appeared and me and my mom kicked his
    ass. I still didn't get it though. Why would Cory try to harm us? I
    mean, I never really talked to him, he was just an acquaintance that I
    knew from around. What was with this? Just then Heith showed up. " Hey
    dude. I heard about you and Cory. " he said. " Do you know anything
    about if Cory had any beef with me grudge he had to settle with me? " I
    said suspiciously. " That's what I came here to tell you man. Meet at
    the library after school. It's important man. " he said as he left.
    Yes. Now maybe I can see why that fool attacked us. I thought. Heith
    had never been this serious before. He was always joking or laid back.
    What was with everyone?

    After school, I went to the school library to see what was up. It was
    empty and quiet. No one in their right mind would stay after school
    just to go to the library. Then I saw Heith motion at me to come into
    the quiet room. The quiet room is a soundproof room where you can study
    or talk without anyone listening or interrupting. As I walked in, I saw
    Tyler, Tess, Jay and Garret sitting down in seats. " Are you guys my
    own personal fan club or something? Heith why do you keep hanging out
    with these guys? " I said almost angrily. I noticed that there was one
    less person : Cory. " I hope you liked my little surprise the other
    night. " Garret said. " You mean Cory?! Are you trying to kill me or
    something? I getting tired of your shit Garret. Anymore stunts like
    that and I will kill your ass. " I said. " Cory was meant to be a
    warning to you. You will play this game. " he said with a frown. " You
    guys are with him aren't you? All you guys probably planned this. Nice
    game, you play with peoples lives for fun. " I said sarcastically. "
    Not necessarily Lee. " Tyler said. " We needed you so it would be even
    sides. See, all of us have been either pressured to play or we have
    already played and we are hooked. " What kind of sick person would find
    this kind of game addictive? " You guys are wackos. Fuck Cory, fuck
    this game, and FUCK you guys, peace. " I said as I walked toward the
    door. " One thing you need to know Lee, I still have many associates
    that would love to do my bidding. " Garret said. " That means, until
    you join the game, I will have your loved ones hurt, harmed, or killed.
    " he said with an evil smile. " You touch my family, and I will stuff
    you head so far down you throat, you will have to stick a toothbrush up
    you ass to brush you teeth. Who do you think you are? Huh?! Who the
    fuck you think you are? " I said as I got ready for another
    confrontation. " I am the lifetaker. " he said as he stuck a videotape
    inside the VCR and pressed play. Suddely, my mom was on the screen
    walking toward her car. Then, it showed a clip of my brother getting on
    the school bus to his elementary school. It showed more and more clips
    of my family. I just sat there staring at how Garret was right when he
    said he could take my families lives. " Is this enough proof, or do I
    need to send another bandit to ramshackle you family? " Garret said as
    he turned off the T.V. I lowered my head and looked defeated. I didn't
    want my family to get hurt because of me. " What do I need to know
    about this game? " I said. " What was that? I didn't hear you. " he
    said cheerfully. I know he fucking heard me. I thought. " What do I
    need to know about this game? " I said through clenched teeth. " Right
    now there are 6 of us. We will divide up into teams of 3 and then, we
    will start the game. The first team that destroys the other team will
    be the victor of my father's, oops, I mean Lee's father's embezzlement
    money. " he said with a laugh. I said nothing, soon I would have my
    revenge. I will let him have his joy now. But I will make a vow to
    myself that I will kill Garret and free my father. I thought. " There
    will be two captains of the teams. Me and Lee are the captains. "
    Garret said as he stood up. " The team captains cannot drop out of the
    game at all. The others can, but they must not have any more contact
    with the captains or the other team members anymore. " Jay explained. "
    Why can't the captains drop out? " I said, trying to find a necessary
    escape. " The captains already have too much dirt on them. If Lee
    dropped out, I could find a way to blame him for the death of his
    family after I send someone to kill them and frame Lee." He said. " But
    if I dropped out, then Lee could go to the authorities. " he added. I
    hope he is enjoying this. I thought. " Now we will choose teams. All on
    my side, come to me. " Garret said. Jay and Tess joined Garret. At
    least Tyler and Heith respect me. " Now my side." I said weakly. Only
    Tyler joined me. " I'm sorry Lee man. I can't do this. " he said as he
    grabbed his stuff and ran from the room. " Some friend. " Garret said.
    " The sides are picked. We will begin the game tomorrow. Your team
    should plan out their strategy. Good bye. " Garret said as I walked
    away. " Oh and good luck. " he said fakely. I didn't care about the
    others. All I wanted to do was strangle Garret until he sputtered and
    died in my hands.

    That following night, Heith came over. " What the fuck do you want
    friend. " I said meanly. " I want to fucking talk to you about that.
    Come on man, I had a reason for doing that. I could help you win this
    game. " he said seriously. I told him to come in and we went to my
    room, closed the door and locked it. " So what do you want? " I said. "
    Today at the meeting, I was fibbing. I am going to help you put Garret
    and his father in jail secretly. " he said. " Wow thanks man. But to
    tell you the truth, Garret hasn't really done anything except having a
    gun and sending Cory, no one can trace that. Everyone thinks he is a
    perfect angel. " I said. " HE IS NOT! " Heith yelled. " Garret has
    played this game before. He is an expert in it. His father also helps
    out. They are a bunch of fucked up killers man! 4 other kids have been
    killed in this game by Garret's side! His father can cover it up and
    protect him. " he said shrillily. " Garret threatened us all about this
    and he has all of us on strings. I can help you do this man. " Oh man.
    This was not some unorganized setup. This was a crime game. " Mr.
    Frosteg works with some of the underground mafia. People are getting
    rich off of us. They make bets and we die. " Heith said. " Man we got
    to tell the police about this. " I said." A guy named Kris already
    tried that. He was found with 30 bullet holes in his body. We got to
    move secretly. Look, you pretend to hold off Garret's team for a day or
    two, then I will have faxed the necessary clues that would put The
    Frosteg's away for a long time, ok? " he said. " Alright. You be
    careful man. " I told him. " You also. Watch your back. " he said as he
    left the room. What Heith didn't notice was a figure in the trees
    videotaping him. " Heith, Heith, when will you learn? " the figure said

    Heith's house, that night

    As I looked over the information that would but The Frosteg's away, I
    accidentally dropped a yearbook from last year. Inside of it, I had
    stuffed some pictures from some of the parties and trips we had taken
    in school. " Wow I remember this shit! " I said cheerfully. Then I
    noticed that in the picture, Garret was holding Tyler passionately. I
    quickly looked at another picture. I saw Tyler holding Garrets hand.
    Almost every picture that Tyler and Garret were in, they were holding
    hands or embracing. Then I came upon the picture from the party in the
    park. This was the first picture that Lee was with us in. In the
    picture, Tyler and Garret were separated and Tyler was next to Lee
    smiling. Something was up with this. I quickly logged on to the
    Internet and emailed Lee a message. Then I took the files, hid them and
    left the room. My Eminem CD was playing " Kill You " . I was home
    alone, so how did the stereo just come on by itself? Then I saw a
    person sitting with their back facing me. " Who the hell are you? " I
    said as I stepped nearer to the person. He/she was like 5 feet away. "
    Why Heith, this song is so ironic. Who would think that this song would
    be exactly what would go down tonight? " the person said. " What the
    fuck are you talking about and who the hell are you? " I said
    demandingly. " What I'm talking about is, " the person said as the
    chair spun around in my direction. I choked on air as the person in the
    chair turned out to be Garret. " BITCH I'M GOIN' TO KILL YOU! " he
    shouted gleefully as he ran at me. I threw a chair at him and ran
    towards the hall. He slowed down but kept coming. I turned around a
    corner and picked up a vase. When he came around I smashed him with it.
    He punched me in the side. " Ooof! " the air rushed out of me, but
    still I fought. I brought up my fist and nailed him in the face. WHUMP!
    He thumped the wall. I ran towards the laundry door. He ran in also but
    I was ready. I dropped kicked him in the chest and he fell towards the
    floor. I ran out of the room and lock him in from the outside. I also
    barricaded the door with a chair. " What now bitch? Huh?! " I said in
    triumph. Garret showed a small smile and nodded when he looked above my
    head. As Heith turned around a figure dressed in black tackeled him to
    the ground. Garret smiled as the figure slashed and stabbed Heith until
    the white lineoum floor turned blood red and Heith struggled no more. "
    Ha ha ha. Nice work Jay. " Garret said with a laugh. " Lee 0 Garret 1.
    " Jay said, covered in blood.

    The next day I tried to get in touch with Tyler but she was no where to
    be found. Neither was Tess. Tyler has been somewhere. She wouldn't
    return my calls and Heith was not even home last night. I thought
    suspiciously. I eyed Jay. He flashed me a thumbs up sign and raced
    away. The days were getting weirder and weirder. Heith was absent,
    Tyler and Tess absent, but Jay flashing me a thumbs up sign like he's
    my friend. I couldn't wait until I moved back to Thomastown where there
    was some sense. After school I went straight home. When I was there, I
    got the mail and went to my room. Maybe Heith has some excuse to why he
    has disappered. He is taking a big risk for me when he is out there
    playing Sherlock Holmes. I thought. As I logged on, I went to check my
    email and there was two messages. One from Heith and one from some guy
    named shadow. I checked Heith's first. It said:

    Lee this is Heith. You are in serious danger. Tyler is a traitor. She is
    on Garret's side. Tess is missing. Tyler was trying to get close to you
    so she could kill you. Garret wants her to pretend that she hates him.
    I should have seen it before but, she and Garret have been close all
    the time before you came back. When you did, she acted like Garret was
    the most disrespectiful person when she really still went out with him.
    Stay away from her and I will talk to you later.


    No. This can't be right. Tyler said it herself that she loved me. Heith
    was wrong this time. He had to be. I sighed as I checked the next
    message. I almost threw up when I saw the message. It said : YOU ARE
    NEXT and it had a picture of a body that looked as if it had been
    through a human blender. Was this real? It also said : LOOK IN TODAYS
    PAPER. I ran downstairs as fast as I could and looked at the front page
    of the paper.


    When I saw it, It almost made me cry. Heith had been killed last night
    by someone who broke in the house. The person was still not to be
    found. I knew it had to be Garret. I will kill him right now. I
    disposed of the items that would make me suspicious of the murder. Then
    I equipped myself in all black and leather gloves. After that I took
    the gun my mother had bought to welcome anymore attackers. I hope
    you've had fun Garret because now it's my turn. I said as I left the
    house with an instinct to kill.

    When I arrived at Garret's house, I snuck around to the back. His house
    was immense and it was located at the edge of Portersville in the
    woods. " Good. Now no one will hear him scream for his life. " I said
    eagerly. I jammed the back door open with a screwdriver and walked in.
    It was warm inside despite the October weather. No one was about. I
    walked towards the living room area and saw a pair of stairs leading
    up. Garret's dad is pretty fat in the pockets. I wonder if it is made
    off of legal money. I thought doubtfully. I heard a person moan
    upstairs. I walked up the stairs quietly. As I neared the top, I heared
    another moan. What's Garret doing, jacking off? I thought. The moaning
    was coming from the door down the hall. It was open about an inch. What
    I saw made me want to shout, cry, and die right there. It was Garret
    and Tyler having ---. The moaning continued and I just stood there
    uncomfortably. How could she do this to me? Heith was right about her.
    I thought. They continued for about 10 more minutes when Garret said, "
    Hey, that was good. Now let me go use the little boys room. " he said
    as he walked away. I heard a door slam kind of far away. There was
    total silence except for Tyler's slow breathing while she tried to doze
    in the sheets. Time for me to visit my teammate, I thought gravely. I
    opened the door and went in. " Who's there? Garret is that you? " she
    said slowly. " No, it's me. " I said with a grin as I flicked the
    lights on. " Lee! It's you! I'm so glad. Garret tried to rape me. Come
    on, now we can put him to an end! " she said quickly and quietly. Does
    this bitch think I'm a total idiot? I thought. " Don't lie. I have been
    watching you two for about 10 minutes! What the fuck is going on?! " I
    said angrily. " Lee, let me get up and explain. " she said. I noticed
    her reaching for the couch ever so sneakily. Instinct made me cautious
    of that couch. Before she could react, I ran towards the couch and
    grabbed the pillows. But Tyler grabbed me and tried to wrestle me away
    from the couch! I quickly bitch-slapped her. BLAAAP! She uttered a cry
    as she fell back on the bed, her body exposed. I threw the pillows off
    of the couch and found a silver plated 9mm. I had rubber gloves on me,
    so I grabbed the gun. " Is this some kind of fucking birthday present?
    I WANT ANSWERS NOW! " I shrieked. " Okay! This game isn't about love or
    friendship! It is about survival, deceiving, money, and killing your
    opponents to get that money! " she said with vengence as she covered
    herself with the sheets. " Then it was okay to kill Heith, then?! " I
    said. " Jay killed Heith. Who cares about him anyway. He was such a
    dipshit. " she said ignorantly. " I just tried to get to you just to
    find a vulnerable way to take you down. My bitch sis tried to warn you
    the other day. Don't worry about her, she was dumped in the river. In
    the end the score will be Garret 3, Lee 0 because you'll be dead you
    asshole! I hate you!" she said heatedly. Her anger shocked me. I had
    never seen this side of Tyler before. Her words also struck me like
    daggers in the heart. " NO. The score is now Garret 2, Lee 1. " I said
    as I sucked my emotions back in and tried to hold back tears from what
    I was about to do. Before Tyler could think or talk, I exploded. BLAM!
    BLAM! BLAMBLAMBLAM! I shot her 5 times with her own gun. I dropped it
    and ran. I ran like the devil. But I didn't run fast enough to get out
    of Garret's loud cry as he discovered Tyler's body. " NOOOOOOOOOO! " he
    echoed. But by then, I was long gone.

    Jay: Tyler's dead?! But how?! Garret: I believe Lee did it. I found her
    with 5 bullet holes on her upper chest and head. Jay: Man, Garret,
    please, let me kill him. Come on! Garret: Ok my friend. But watch your
    back. Lee isn't as dumb as I thought he was. Click! Garret hung up. Jay
    was getting an adrenaline rush as he got prepared to take another life.
    " I think I'll kill Lee with a knife I call, " The Heith Killer"! Jay
    said as he went to his dresser drawer to get his trademark blade. But
    he couldn't find it. " Where is it? I hope I didn't leave it in Heith's
    body somewhere! " he said with a laugh. " Is this it? " said a dark
    figure behind him. " Who the hell- "but Jay didn't finish because the
    figure grabbed him by the neck and slung him into the mirror.
    BRAAAAAAASSSH! Broken glass spintered everywhere. Jay punched the
    figure in the side and pulled off the person's hood. " LEE! " Jay
    cried. While Jay stood there, mystified, Lee took advantage and laid a
    well placed punch in Jay's nose. BROCK! Jay's blood seeped from his
    nose. Lee started hitting Jay with combinations now. " How do you like
    this?! HUH?! " Lee said as he jacked Jay up by the collar of his shirt.
    Jay evened the fight when he took a wastebasket and whacked Lee in the
    head. Bump! Jay then rushed Lee towards the stairs with intentions to
    throw him down the flights of stairs. But at the last minute, Lee
    kicked Jay's legs right from under him and flipped Jay down the stairs.
    Whump! Thumpbump-a thump! Jays body finally made impact with the
    ground. Jay tried to shake the dizziness from his head, but the stairs
    and the loss of blood had given him nausea. When Jay's eyes finally
    cooperated, he saw Lee at the top of the stairs with his hands on Jay's
    computer moniter. " This is for Heith. " Lee said as he heaved the
    monitor at Jay. " NONONON- " were Jay's last words as the computer
    monitor smashed into his head. BLAAAAAAASH! KRUNCH! When Lee turned
    around, he saw Jay at the bottom of the stairs, his head completely
    crushed and broken, and the monitor broken as well. " Lee 2, Garret 2.
    Time to break the tie. " Lee sighed as he prepared to leave.

    When Lee got home, there was a note waiting for him under the door step.
    It said: tonight, the construction site on broad steet, 12:00 a.m. come
    alone It has to be from Garret. I thought. At about 8:00, the news came
    on. There were two new killings. Tyler Andrews had apparently killed
    herself and Jay Barnes was found dead on arrival when lawmen found out
    that he was the killer of Heith Parker because of a mysterious knife
    delivered to the police station with Jay's prints on it and Heith's
    blood. I clicked off the screen. I hate this. This is not what life is
    supposed to be about. We should be having fun, getting drunk, going to
    dances. We should be having the time of our lives, not killing each
    other off. I thought sadly. I had had some long nights where I would
    sit up and think about my problems and such. But tonight was the
    longest night of my entire life. I had better get some sleep.

    At 12:00 a.m., all was deserted in the city. The construction site
    spanned about 15 stories and was in the process of getting built. It
    was dark and cool out. The steel pillars and equipment stood still and
    were perfect hiding places. I quickly ran into the shadows. Garret was
    not going to get the best of me. " Thanks for coming. " someone said. "
    Garret, we have a tie. I really don't want to kill you so come out and
    let's end this fucking madness. " I said hopefully. " This is my game,
    my rules, and my win. You will be the one dead tonight Lee. You don't
    think I know about Jay? I saw the news. " he said accusingly. " Well
    now you know how it feels to lose a friend. Maybe in the next life
    you'll think twice about messing with people's friends. " I said. "
    Let's get this over with. I can't wait to feel your heart in my hands.
    " he said hideously. Suddenly, he swept out of the shadows straight
    ahead of me about 20 feet and fired. Theww! Thing! Taack! The bullets
    richocheted around me. I straffed from behind the steel pillar shot my
    own bullets. Garret had already dodged them and was gone from sight. He
    must be up to something. I thought as I eyed the rope leading to the
    second story. I started climbing it slowly and soon I was at the top. I
    sneaked towards Garret's previous spot. I couldn't see him anywhere. "
    Here I am! " he shouted from the third story! He was above me. I shot
    at him, and he shot at me. We both missed. But to dodge the bullets, we
    both fell down to the ground. Whup! I was back on my feet in a flash.
    My gun was lost but I saw Garret. Before he could shoot at me, I lunged
    for him and tackled him to the ground. We rolled into a sand pile and
    fought like animals. He shoved me into the sand. I grabbed a handful
    and threw it into his eyes. As he struggled to see, I kicked him right
    in the balls. " Awwww! " he shouted as his strengh left him. He was
    about 2 feet away from his gun and he knew it. I ran and jumped over
    the sand. Whoof! Whiff! The bullets lanced through the sand. I ran
    towards the empty 6 story offices next to the site. I ran inside and
    ran all the way up to the top. As I opened the top office, I saw an
    intercom and a chair and also a voice recorder.

    Garret was up and ready for another bout with Lee. He struggled to see
    any shape or person through the darkness and remaining sand in his
    eyes. Then suddenly there was a voice. " Garret it's Lee. Come on to
    the 6th office for a final face off. " Lee said over the intercom. He
    must be the dumbest muthafucka that has ever played this game. Garret
    thought as he clenched his gun and ran towards the offices. " I'm right
    here you little shit! What? Are you scared? " Lee taunted over the
    intercom. Garret raced up the 2nd flight of stairs. " Come out come out
    wherever you are. " Lee teased. Garret now neared the 4th flight of
    stairs. Almost there. He thought greedily. " You forget Garret, I going
    to beat you at your own game. " Lee said again. Garret was now at the
    6th and last section. He neared the room where Lee's voice was coming
    from. " You are one- " But Lee got cut off as Garret shot through the
    door into the tiny room. BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM! Garret emptied the gun
    into the bowels of the room. There was silence. " Game, set, match. "
    Garret said in triumph. When he opened the door he expected to find a
    young, black teen dead on the floor. But all he found was a broken
    intercom and a shattered voice recorder over the intercom. It came to
    Garret quickly. It was a trick! Lee used the voice recorder to record
    all of the taunts and teasing on the recorder then he played it on the
    intercom! Just then there was a loud VROOOM! Garret looked out of the
    window to see a wrecking ball machine maneuver towards the office.
    Driving it was Lee! Then in quick succession, he reared the ball back,
    preparing to swing it in Garret's direction! Garret tried to run, but
    was too late. The ball smashed into the window and in less than a
    second, it had knocked Garret through two walls back outside. Garret
    flew through the air and grabbed the wire attached to the wrecking
    ball. He hung on for dear life, if he fell, he would fall 20 feet
    towards a hard landing on the concrete. Lee moved the ball over the
    fusion generators. The fusion generators were tubes of explosive matter
    that was used to blow up boulders and clear paths. The ball stopped
    directly over the generators. Then it shifted! Rump! Garret looked at
    Lee with surprise. Lee only shook his head with reluctantcy. Then he
    pressed a button and the ball was released from it's cables!
    "Ahhhhhhhhhh! " Garret screamed as him and the ball tumbled towards the
    generator field. CLAAASH! KRUNCH! Garret collapsed as one of his legs
    was slammed and then trapped under the 5,000 lbs. Wrecking ball.
    HISSSSSSSSSSSS! Then he noticed a hissing sound coming from one of the
    generators. The wrecking ball had ruptured one of the generators! "
    That means...." Garret said fearfully.

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! A firery explosion lit up the sky as if it were day
    time. I covered my face and eyes as the deadly heat swept over me. A
    huge fireball loomed high above my head. Now it's time to make my
    disappering act. I thought as I rushed from the scene.

    As I snuck home, I noticed a horde of police and firefighters speeding
    towards the explosion. " Lee 3, Garret 2. Rest in pieces. " I said
    particularly to no one. It's over. The killing, the death is finally
    over. I thought with mixed emotions as I arrived home.

    2 weeks later..

    As the building blocks and the city streets diminished in the horizon,
    all the fear completely left me. Well almost. We were moving back to
    Thomastown and I was glad. The past 3 months had been a living hell.
    The explosion was from an unknown source. Garret was found in the
    destruction. After the news told that, I turned it off. I still to this
    day don't know if Garret is dead or alive and I don't care. All I care
    about is getting away from it all. I wasn't to blame for all of the
    coincidences and deaths of some of my companions. But that still didn't
    stop the dreams and the realization of what I had done. The sins of my
    past will haunt me for the rest of my life. My dad was getting out of
    jail in a couple of weeks when I finally got the embezzlement money
    that Mr. Frosteg took out in the public. Life was looking up. Hopefully
    it will keep looking up and all will go well. Time for a new start.

    The End

  3. 2 کاربر از Reza1969 بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده اند

  4. #3
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه safety's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2005
    محل سكونت
    HSE office
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    پيش فرض

    Tom was a lieutenant, assistant to the captain of the frigate "Impudence." He had trouble with the hierarchical nature of command, and his natural impatience sometimes caused him to question the captain's orders.

    One day, as the Impudence cruised through the frigid waters surrounding Norway, Tom went too far. Hecontradicted his superior in front of the entire crew.

    The captain did not get angry. Instead he slowly approached the lieutenant, took him by the shoulder and walked him aside. By that time Tom already regretted his insolent behaviour.

    "Look at all these fjords, Tom," the captain said. "See how many there are, and how impetuously they flow."

    Tom didn't know what the captain was trying to say, but he obeyed.

    "Now look the other way and see how vast the ocean is, as if it were drinking up all the light of the sun. See how its movements seem to swallow everything. Do you think the fjords are greater in majesty than the ocean?"

    "No Sir, I don't."

    "Really? But there are so many fjords. And they flow so much faster than the gentle swell of the sea."

    "But still, Sir, the ocean is stronger and more majestic than a fjord."

    "That's exactly what I wanted to hear you say, Tom," said the captain. "If rivers and seas are greater than streams and brooks, it is because they are always lower. If you want to become a captain one day, you first have to learn to obey, to listen to what I say and to learn from me. One day you may surpass me, but that day has not yet come."


    This story contains a profound truth:

    If you want to learn, you have to know how to hold back, observe and forget yourself. Every living creature grows by assimilating what comes from outside itself.

    "The sage who wants to lead his people acts as a servant to his people."
    Lao Tzu

    You can see this story in Farsi in this topic:

    [ برای مشاهده لینک ، با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

  5. این کاربر از safety بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  6. #4
    داره خودمونی میشه mozhgan's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Oct 2005
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    12 Foot Print

    ‏one night a man had a dream.he dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD .across the sky flashed scenes from his life.for each scene,he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand one belonging to him and the other to the LORD.
    ‏when the last scene of his scene of his life flashed before him he looked back at the footprints in the sand.he noticed that times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints .he also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest ,times in his life.
    ‏this really bothered him and hequestion ed the LORD about it."LORD , you said that once i decided to follow you , you would walk with me all the way. but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints.I dont understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.
    ‏the LORD replied ,"my precious,precious child.I love you and I would never leave you.during your times of trial and suffering,when you see only set of footprints it was then that I carried you."

  7. این کاربر از mozhgan بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  8. #5
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه safety's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2005
    محل سكونت
    HSE office
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    پيش فرض Are you unbreakable?

    My friend Hans Zimmer had a serious motorcycle accident and lost the use of his left hand.

    "Fortunately I'm right handed," he told me as he adroitly served me a cup of tea. "It's amazing what I can do with just one hand."

    Despite the loss of his fingers, he learned to fly an airplane in less than a year. But one day, while flying over a mountainous region, his plane had engine problems and crashed. He survived, but was paralyzed from head to foot.

    I visited him in the hospital. He smiled at me. "Nothing that happens is really of any importance," he said.
    "What matters is what I decide to do now!"

    I was dumbfounded. I thought my friend was just pretending, and that as soon as I left he would start crying and regretting his situation. That might have been what he did on that day, but he wasn't finished yet. Life still had some fine surprises in store for him.

    He met the woman of his life during a conference for handicapped people. He invented a system of digital writing that responded to voice commands. And he sold millions of copies of a book that he wrote about developing the newsystem.

    On the back cover he wrote this short note: "Before becoming paralyzed, I could do a million different things. Now I can only do 990,000. But what sensible person would worry about the10,000 things he can no longer do, while there are 990,000 things left?"
    This story is translated in this topic:
    [ برای مشاهده لینک ، با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

  9. این کاربر از safety بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  10. #6
    داره خودمونی میشه mozhgan's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Oct 2005
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    پيش فرض

    In England nobody under the age of eighteen is allowed to drink in a public bar.
    M r Thomson used to go a bar near his house quite often ,but the never took his son,Tom ,because he was too young.then when Tom had his eighteen birthday,Mr Thomson took him to his usual bar for the first time.they drank for half an hour ,and then Mr Thomson said to his son ,Now tom ,I want to teach you a useful lesson .
    you must always be careful not to drink too much .and how do you know when you ve had enough ?well, I will tell you .do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? when they seem to have become four you ve had enough and should go home .
    but ,dad,said Tom , I can only see one light at the end of the bar.

  11. #7
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه Alipacino's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Nov 2005
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    پيش فرض The Gift

    In one seat of a bus a wispy old man sat holding a bunch of fresh flowers. Across the aisle was a young girl whose eyes came back again and again to the man's flowers. The time came for the old man to get off. Impulsively he thrust the flowers into the girl's lap. "I can see you love the flowers," he explained, "and I think my wife would like for you to have them. I'll tell her I gave them to you." The girl accepted the flowers, then watched the old man get of the bus and walk through the gate of a small cemetery.

  12. این کاربر از Alipacino بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  13. #8
    داره خودمونی میشه mozhgan's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Oct 2005
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    joe and Helen Mills had two small children.one of them was six and the other was four.they always resisted going to bed and helen was always complaining to joe about this but as he did not come home from work untill after they had gone to bed during the week he was unable to help except at week -ends.
    joe considered himself a good singer but really his voice was not at all musical .however .he decided that if he sang to the children when they went to bed,it would help them to relax ,and gradually they would go to sleep.
    he did this every saturday and sunday night untill he heard his small son whisper to his younger sister ,if you re asleep ,he stop !

  14. #9
    پروفشنال mahramasrar2's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    May 2006
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    i just can thank you but wish you put some short stories in a file for download
    you now becuse of our slow dialup connection we can not read your stories online
    so put some links for downloading short stories or put your stories on a pdf file and upload it and put its link for downloading anybody
    thank you

  15. #10
    در آغاز فعالیت Van Gogh's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2006
    محل سكونت
    Under the big sky
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    12 Untiring Love

    This is a true story that happened in Japan.In order to renovate the house, someone in Japan tore open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls. When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside was hammered into one of its feet. He saw this, felt pity, and at the same time he was curious. When he checked the nail, turns out, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.What happened? The lizard had survived in such a position for 10 years! In a dark wall partition for 10 years without moving, it is impossible and mind boggling. Then he wondered how this lizard survived for 10 years without moving a single step--since its foot was nailed! So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it had been doing, and what and how it had been eating. Later, not knowing from where it came, appeared another lizard, with food in its mouth.Ahh! He was stunned and at the same time, touched deeply. Another lizard had been feeding the stuck one for the past 10 years...
    Such love, such a beautiful love! Such love happened with this tiny creature...What can love do? It can do wonders! Love can perform miracles! Just think about it; one lizard had been feeding the other one untiringly for 10 long years, without giving up hope on its partner.If a small creature like a lizard can love like this... just imagine how we can love if we try!

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